The secret of Megyn Kelly's success

“She has a lower tolerance for being fed incoherent tripe from her own side than the average cable news TV host,” Greenwald said in an email. “Most Fox and MSNBC hosts treat even the most blatant idiocy with respect if it advances their party’s political agenda for the vapid cable news partisan controversy of the day. Kelly, by contrast, seems to be often contemptuous of incoherent blather even from her own side, sometimes openly so, and that further distinguishes her.”…


“She’s a very good questioner, and you can tells she’s an attorney,” Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.), a former federal prosecutor who is now leading the House inquiry into Benghazi, said in an interview. “I think you always bolster you credibility when you show objectivity and when you are an equal opportunity questioner…No one is your client, you’re not protecting anyone. Obviously, when you’re attractive you can get away with things that ugly people like me can’t get away with.”

Leaving no doubt who’s in charge, Kelly steers the interviews to make news, quickly calling out guests for being “boring” or cutting them off if she deems their answers not clear enough for the average viewer.

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