Conservatism is the new punk rock

Liberalism never tries anything new. It’s a greatest hits album from a crappy band. It’s like the latest incarnation of Styx when whoever the lead singer is announces, “Hey, here’s something off our new album” to the widespread groans of the fans. They just want to hear the classics – more regulations, more taxes, more dough for public employee unions, more stifling of innovation.


And the fans have eagerly embraced America’s decline around the world. Yeah, Obama’s been through the desert on a horse with no name, and when he left the desert he called it a victory even though ISIS took over. He ought to name that horse “Chamberlain.”

Conservatives, on the other hand, know what to do. Take Putin. While Obama calls for yet another investigation to confirm what everybody knows, thereby kicking the can down the road so he doesn’t have to make a gutsy call, us conservatives want to beat on the brat with a baseball bat. That’s how we won the Cold War, no thanks to liberals.

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