“It is really black letter Christian theology that the time and date of the second coming has been set long ago,” he said.
“Humans can’t move it up by a second. Which leads to a question. If coming out and supporting Israel doesn’t speed up the second coming by one second, why do Christians do it? It’s clearly not to speed the second coming. They don’t believe they can. It’s impossible,” he said.
Brog said there were other biblical, historical, and moral reasons for the support.
“It starts in the Bible, the promises made in the book of Genesis, not the prophecies made in the book of Revelations, the promises in the book of Genesis, they believe, are promises made to the Jewish people,” he said.
CUFI founder Pastor John Hagee, speaking on Monday at the conference’s “Night to Honor Israel,” did in fact cite Genesis in making the biblical case for supporting Israel.
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