“If you ask anyone if there are young people who are unsupervised, the answer is yes”

With the new law, teens under 14 years old have to be off the streets by 9 p.m. Those 14 to 16 years of age can stay out no later than 10 during the week and no later than 11 on the weekends and during the summer.


But will it work?

“I don’t know if it’s going to do anything,” said one teen.

“It’s already been in place in Panama and all the kids do is break the rules and nothing really is done about it,” said Alexandra Diaz-Albertini.

The law, while meant to do more good than harm, is drawing criticism from parents who, with the new law could be fined $500 if their kids are out late.

A stiff price to pay but other parents say it could help.

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