By the numbers: Elizabeth Warren would be the most liberal Democratic nominee since 1972

If Warren won the Democratic nomination, she’d rank as the second most liberal nominee who served in the Senate or House. Her voting record has been to the left of Walter Mondale’s; only the famously liberal George McGovern had a more leftward leaning legislative record. By contrast, the last three Democrats to represent the party on the presidential ticket were all near the center of the Democratic Senate caucus, while Warren has the fifth most liberal voting record in the Senate today.


On public statements, Warren ranks a clear second. The only past nominee to her left, according to On The Issues, is John Kerry. But the distance between Warren and Kerry is smaller than the distance between Warren and any other past nominee. In other words, Warren’s liberalness on this measure is pretty clear — far to the left of President Obama.

In terms of 2016 contenders, Warren is to the left of both Vice President Joe Biden and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on all three of these measures.

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