Now that I have to pay for it, it is my business

From the left, they picked endless spending and morally hazardous policies that encourage bad behavior. And from the right, they picked insufferable moralizing by forcing taxpayers into suddenly caring very deeply about what everybody else is doing behind closed doors in their bedrooms, bathrooms and basements.


It is just what happens when the government forces people to pay for everybody else’s health care. Taxpayers suddenly have a real investment in other people’s bad habits. Suddenly, we have to sully ourselves with the business of how other people flush their hot mistakes from their fetid wombs.

Now a jackass doing wheelies down the highway on his motorcycle with firecrackers hanging out of his pants and an infected nose ring dangling down over his greasy goatee is suddenly my business. I am forced to hope it is just a clean kill and the meat wagon carries him directly to the funeral home.

I am not moralizing here. It is just plain and simple mathematics, now that I am paying the bills.

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