Thank Obama for Iran's growing economy

Their report concludes that in the last year as the United States and other western countries have begun to ease some of the sanctions on Iran as an inducement to negotiate an end to the country’s nuclear weapons program, the Iranian economy has begun to recover.


The recovery of Iran’s economy is a good thing for the Iranian people that suffered a currency in free-fall, staggering inflation and a contraction of the country’s Gross Domestic Product. But at the same time, the economic sanctions that President Obama has credited with forcing Iran to begin these negotiations have appeared to lose their bite, according to the study that is scheduled to be released Monday.

“In 2012 and early 2013 Iran’s economy was on its back. As a result of the administration’s decision to deescalate sanction pressure, the economy has gotten onto its knees and is slowly getting back on its feet,” Mark Dubowitz, an author of the report and the executive director of the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies, told The Daily Beast Sunday.

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