Reason Two: We need a real challenge
Obama is basically a lame duck. The odds of his getting substantial legislation through Congress before he leaves office are roughly zero. In recent weeks, the Supreme Court has started to undo some of his more flagrant abuses of power, like those non-recess recess appointments he tried to make. The public hates Obamacare. Obama’s ratings are near all-time lows, and they’re even worse in the states that will be important for 2014.
So I know what you’re saying to yourself right now: Where’s the fun in this? It’s about as difficult as poisoning a fish in a small tank.
Impeachment is the answer. After Obama easily survives the Senate removal vote and wins broad public sympathy, this fall’s elections will be much more of a fair fight.
I love election nights, and this one will be a lot more exciting if Democrats have a serious shot at winning back a House majority. It’s more fun when there’s more at stake — like the possibility of having Obamacare 2.0 sail through Congress next year with hardly a fight.
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