Men are just the worst, aren't they?

The fact of the matter is that the overwhelming majority of wars, massacres, rapes, beatings, and barroom brawls in human history have been initiated and prosecuted by men — quite often by men in a fit of indignant rage.


And in case you haven’t heard: rage is an emotion.

Remember that the next time you hear a man suggest that a woman’s display of tears (or, God forbid, her own expressions of anger) disqualifies her from respect or deference, or precludes her from taking on a position of authority.

This is what psychologists call projection: the attribution of qualities to someone else that one wishes to deny in oneself. Men find it extremely difficult to control their emotional and sexual impulses, but they’re embarrassed to admit their weakness. So they blame it on women, who are forever being accused of provoking, seducing, enticing men into bad behavior.

Civilization is positively overflowing with examples.

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