Confessions of an almost sterile man

I finally accepted the truth that the vasectomy route made the most sense for us and so put an action plan in place to call the doctor’s office in the next 9-12 months to schedule the procedure for sometime in the following 24-36 months after that. Of course, that first appointment would just be the consult. The actual surgery might not need to happen until sometime much later. They encourage you to schedule it around a sporting event so that you can rest up and kick back in front of the television. The 2022 World Cup in Qatar looks to be full of excitement and I look forward to recuperating from my surgery while watching.


This brings me to the crux of the matter. Mr. Cromwell said that he could not bring himself to pick up the phone, make the call, and set up the appointment. The fear of the actual appointment and surgery aside, the real fear is found in the call. How does one bring oneself to willingly schedule such a bloody and emasculating cutting of flesh?

How did I do it? I plumbed the depths of my faith, channeling the courageous words of the Apostle Paul on Mars Hill in the Book of Acts. I imagined standing before the council at Worms, as my Protestant forefather Martin Luther did when he could not recant his convictions about Holy Scripture. I stood over the pit of the all-powerful Sarlaac just as young Skywalker had done, knowing that the force was strong with this one.

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