"Islamophobic is a word created by fascists, and used by cowards, to manipulate morons"

MAHER: You know, speaking of the campus, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, we all know Ayaan Hirsi Ali, right? A brilliant woman. She was born in Somalia, underwent gentile mutilation.


HUFFINGTON: At the age of 5.

MAHER: Which almost all woman do in that country, and many other Muslim countries.

HUFFINGTON: And a fatwa against her.

MAHER: Right. So, you know, that’s not a good thing. So, she was going to speak at Brandeis, but she called Islam the new fascism, so they said she could not speak. And they said she is Islamophobic, who my friend Sam Harris reminded me today our deceased friend Christopher Hitchens said Islamophobic is a word created by fascists, and used by cowards, to manipulate morons.

Because to be phobic means to be scared of something that you’re not usually scared of, like the great outdoors. But to be phobic about honor killings, about throwing acid in girls’ faces, or marrying them off when they are eight-years-old.

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