Good riddance: Common Core backlash claims new political casualties

Well before the horrors of Common Core had penetrated cable TV and late-night comedy shows, Indiana parents led the lonely charge. They were at the vanguard of challenging the constitutionality, costs, substandard academic quality, privacy invasions and special interest lobbyists fueling Fed Ed. In 2012, Hoosiers Against Common Core spearheaded the stunning ouster of Tony Bennett — the Indiana GOP’s scandal-plagued former state education secretary who fled to Common Core-peddling former Gov. Jeb Bush’s Florida for another educrat job. (See my August 2, 2013, column, “Rotten to the Core: Jeb Bush’s Crony Republicans Against Higher Standards.”)


The way Pence is going, his 2016 ambitions may soon face the same fate. Pence’s hero Ronald Reagan advocated for abolishing the federal Department of Education. Yet, Pence is busy emulating the bureaucratic behemoth. In addition to embracing the expedient “cut and paste” rewrite of Indiana’s academic standards overseen by D.C. Common Core operatives, Pence is now pursuing the construction of a statewide student database. It looks and sounds a lot like the federal data-tracking warehouse championed by Common Core advocates.

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