Even today—contrary to cranky public opinion—the political influence of multigenerational families is weak and getting weaker. Among Democrats, the Kennedy clan has petered out. Chelsea Clinton is not being groomed to rule. Republicans know well that Jeb Bush has all the dynastic ambition of Karl Rove, and that Rand Paul now has practically no use for his father.
What, then, explains the public distemper? Simple: Though the names change, America’s power elite somehow remains the same. Old Boss introduces us to New Boss—no relation! Families that do build petty empires flame out, but the grand empire ruled by our churning elites burns on, evidently, forever.
But perhaps there’s more. Perhaps we’re beginning to realize, subconsciously, just what price there is to be paid for losing touch with the boring mores that protected us from Europe’s insanity. Our growing hostility to religion is radicalizing it, and the growing radicalization of religion is increasing hostility toward it. The complete freefall of marriage as an institution of commanding authority is mostly leading us into ever-deeper enmity, awkwardness, and distrust, not the comfortable, confident free love that many might seek.
Instead of feeling waves of relief when we see a thriving, large, observant, and happy family, we feel resentment, or we laugh incredulously, or we smell a rat, or we roll our eyes in expectation of a lucrative family branding campaign no less energetic that of the Podestas.
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