Vox, explained

Klein might well be right that Sebelius’s resignation is a vote of confidence in the law by the White House that implemented it, because they hit overall enrollment projections. But his site, which people are supposed to be able to trust to cut through the spin, does a disservice to readers by pretending this means very much about Obamacare’s future as a policy matter. (And whether Klein’s political analysis is sound is a whole other question.)


The essay with which Klein introduced Vox made the case for a form of journalism so clear and convincing that it would help us get past our empirical disputes (which will mostly be resolved in favor of the Left) and our cheap talking points.

Why — besides his weird understanding of what courses through the Constitution — is this so important? He writes about a recent “cutting-edge” experiment in which people with different political leanings and varying mathematical skills were given a difficult math problem. For some of them, it was framed in a way where the right answer flattered liberal political ideas, and for others, it was framed in a way where the right answer flattered conservative ideas. According to Klein, “Being better at math made partisans less likely to solve the problem correctly when solving the problem correctly meant betraying their political instincts. People weren’t reasoning to get the right answer; they were reasoning to get the answer that they wanted to be right.”

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