"Rand is running the company, and Ron's chairman of the board"

During Rand Paul’s brief video session to the conference — a vastly smaller audience than the crowd that turned out for his father’s speech Friday night — Rand Paul was asked by an attendee what he thinks should be an appropriate sentence for Snowden.


While the senator has previously said Snowden deserves “a few years” in prison, he said Sunday he has “mixed emotions” and he doesn’t know what kind of penalty Snowden should get…

It’s his evolving stance on foreign policy that Ron Paul supporters—at least the ones at this conference—most fear will drive Rand Paul too far to the left. But Republican pundits say it will also be his biggest hurdle to cross in terms of attracting potential donors to a presidential campaign.

“If Rand Paul is serious about running for president, he’s going to have to make peace with ‘national security Republicans,’ the big donors that care about national security,” said Republican strategist John Feehery, adding he’ll need to “distinguish himself from his father” in that regard.

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