Democratic women candidates are going for equal pay as a top midterm issue

Also on Thursday, Heather Mizeur, the only woman in the Democratic gubernatorial primary in Maryland, is set to get a jump on her male competitors by being the first to release a woman’s platform, an agenda that calls for a state version of the Paycheck Fairness Act, a living wage and paid family leave.


Sixty percent of the primary voters in Maryland are women. Aides to Lt. Anthony Brown, who leads the race by 20 points and has not released a women’s agenda, stressed that Maryland has one of the smallest gender pay gaps in the country, and that there would likely be little difference on the issues between the Democrats competing in the race. Yet Mizeur said the difference is on the emphasis her campaign is placing on these issues.

“We are all carving out and showing what our priorities would be as governor and I have made these issues that are central to women’s economic equality key to creating a Maryland that lives up to her full potential,” said Mizeur, who is a distant third in the race according to the latest poll. “The question is not whether you support something in theory. The question is whether you make it a priority. I would make it a priority as governor. This is about economic inequality, and it must be addressed with urgency. When women run for higher office, these issues get addressed.”

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