White House to begin ObamaCare March Madness on Monday

As hoop heads across the country prepare for the Big Dance, President Barack Obama’s administration is banking on a new March Madness-focused campaign to help boost Obamacare enrollment.


To coincide with the start of NCAA basketball tournament, a White House official says the administration is launching an all-encompassing push around the annual basketball bonanza that will feature athletes, coaches, and others, in hopes of spurring more Americans to sign up for health care before the March 31 deadline.

According to the official, the effort starts in earnest Monday morning when Univision Radio’s Locura Deportiva airs an interview with President Obama.

The White House is also set to release a “16 Sweetest Reasons to Get Covered Bracket,” detailing the administration’s top reasons to get insured. The administration believes it can parlay the popularity of the President’s bracket – a recent tradition that registered the most views of any blog on WhiteHouse.gov during 2013 – into tangible enrollments by updating the results of the ACA bracket based on the “winning” votes from online users.

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