Dems can't run on ObamaCare and can't hide from it either

The news in April, then, will likely be that Obamacare is seriously underperforming at its main job: covering those who don’t have coverage. “The uninsured just aren’t buying Obamacare,” health care analyst Bob Laszewski wrote recently. “I believe they are not buying it because the premium — even net of the subsidies — is too much for plans that have deductibles that are too high.”


Democrats have to campaign on a platform of changing the law. They don’t have any other choice. The Kaiser study found that just eight percent support keeping Obamacare as is, while 48 percent want to keep the law in place but work to improve it, and 31 percent want to repeal it altogether. The only real question about Obamacare is whether people want the law changed or junked. The status quo is not an option.

The problem is, Democrats haven’t put forward any good ideas to deal with Obamacare’s dilemma of higher premiums, higher deductibles, a burdensome mandate, and narrower choices of doctors, hospitals and prescription drugs. Democratic candidates say they want to fix the system, because that’s what they have to say, given voter opinion, but they don’t really know what to do.

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