Chris Christie is still pretty popular

But lost amid all the headlines about the New Jersey governor’s bridge-related problems and fast-dropping approval rating is this: He’s still among the most popular potential presidential candidates in the country.


The most recent poll, from Monmouth University, shows Christie’s approval rating at 50 percent — down 15 points from December, when his bridge scandal broke. Another 44 percent disapproved of the governor.

That’s a strikingly quick fall from grace. But it has a lot to do with the fact that Christie’s approval rating had been residing in the stratosphere for about a year. In other words, there was little place to go but down — especially given that he’s a Republican governor in a blue state. …

Here are some comparison’s to Christie’s 50/44 approve/disapprove split:

Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal (R): 42/55

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R): 51/43

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