Louis Zayas, a Hudson County attorney who represented a former Hoboken official in a case against the city, says that he heard Zimmer personally deny the existence of any notes chronicling the comings and goings at city hall. Zayas represented Angel Alicea, a former Hoboken Public Safety Director awarded $440,000 against the city of Hoboken after being fired from his job. The jury found that his dismissal amounted to discrimination against Alicea for his Latino heritage. The jury did not find that Mayor Zimmer personally discriminated against Alicia, but she too was on trial and was required to testify to attorneys.
“When we asked for her diary during the course of discovery,” Zayas said of the case to Hudson County TV, “it turned out that she didn’t have a diary, that she didn’t keep one – which I found very odd for a high-ranking government official.” He noted that attorneys had simply assumed she kept a diary because his client “observed the mayor write in a book of some sort” during meetings. She also testified “that she did not maintain such a calendar or memo pad,” Zayas noted. Zayas also provided Hudson County TV with documents of a transcript of the deposition in which Zimmer denies that she keeps a calendar, notebook, or any other type of chronicle.
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