Why liberals will abandon ObamaCare long before conservatives accept it

Obama and Moore are not the only ones who believe Obamacare’s corporatist model is fatally flawed. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) recently admitted that Obamacare was just a step toward a single-payer system.


However, as long as Obama is the head of the Democratic Party, partisan Democrats like Sargent, Jonathan Chait, Jonathan Cohn, and Brian Beutler will all continue to carry water for Obamacare.

But as Obama begins to fade from the political stage, and he already is fading, liberals will find themselves less and less emotionally invested in Obamacare’s success. Instead, they will want to push forward towards what was always their end policy goal to begin with: single-payer.

We already see this happening in Massachusetts where all of Obamneycare’s cost containment claims have been exposed as complete frauds. Yes, almost everyone in Massachusetts does have health insurance, but the state simply can’t afford it. …

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