Paul Ryan found satisfaction in the federal budget agreement that he authored and argued for: “We prevented two possible shutdowns for 2014 and made our deeply divided government work at a basic functioning level. In Washington, that ranks as an accomplishment these days.”
Andrew Tobias, the writer and treasurer of the Democratic National Committee, said he’s so grateful he doesn’t know where to start, and presented his answers in questions. “Progress degrading Syria’s chemical weapons and Iran’s nuclear capability without having to go to war? Or a record-high Dow? Or our spectacular first family?” Great friends and good health are important, “But the rest of it can’t hurt.”
New York attorney Lloyd Green, a former member of the George H.W. Bush administration, said it’s good that 2013 is over—2012 was an election year and so “combative,” but 2013 was “acrid” and full of pointless argument. He’s looking forward to some political resolution in 2014. “Finally elections are in sight.” He’s thankful that this year “our country is doing better than it feels. The economy is haltingly expanding. We are ahead of much of Europe . . . this is a reason to raise a glass.”
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