Poll: Pope Francis gets high ratings from Catholics

Ninety-four percent of Catholics who identify as moderate or liberal say they have favorable views of Francis compared with 73 percent who said the same of Pope Benedict after he announced his retirement in February. Among politically conservative Catholics, 91 percent are favorable toward Francis, compared with 84 percent who said the same of Benedict in February.


Francis has triggered a huge wave of interest since taking office in March, swelling crowds at his weekly addresses, generating many millions of social media followers, and becoming the focus of countless articles being written around the globe about his welcoming approach to faith. Tangible effects so far are unclear, however, and one recent survey found no immediate impact in the percent of Americans who say they’re Catholic or who say they attend Mass.

Non-Catholics also voice largely positive views of Francis — 62 percent favorable and 18 percent unfavorable; 21 percent have yet to form an opinion. Benedict drew only 48 percent favorable views among non-Catholics immediately after announcing his resignation in February, while 31 percent saw him unfavorably.

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