The first steps to the 2016 GOP nomination

Some prospective candidates will be tempted to spend much of 2014 in Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina, the three earliest contests. Resist the temptation. Those who don’t resist could find themselves without the necessary national network to win the nomination—and with a reputation for being self-obsessed.


By virtue of his perch as chairman of the Republican Governors Association, Chris Christie can barnstorm the 30 states with gubernatorial elections next year. The vice-chairmen of the Republican Senatorial Campaign Committee, Ted Cruz and Rob Portman, will have many opportunities to help in the critical battle for the upper chamber. Sen. Rand Paul, a leader of the party’s libertarian element, and Sen. Marco Rubio, a tea party favorite, can also have a significant impact on the midterms. All can boost their 2016 chances by making it about the GOP team next year, not themselves.

To rise from being mentioned to being a plausible candidate, Govs. John Kasich, Susana Martinez, Brian Sandoval, Rick Snyder and Scott Walker have to get re-elected next year by healthy margins and with messages that inspire Republicans beyond their states. Rep. Paul Ryan must similarly win re-election while also leading the GOP in the congressional budget battles.

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