Obama never said who those people were, and, unlike other events, the White House did not release their names or biographies. A spokesman later said the White House would not provide the information. A pool report called the group “19 individuals whom the White House said benefited from health care reform.” Beyond that, their connection to Obamacare remains unknown.
Obama’s speech mentioned three specific people he said have been helped by various provisions of Obamacare: a California woman undergoing treatment for leukemia and lymphoma who no longer worries about exceeding the lifetime cap on insurance benefits; a North Carolina doctor who said more of his patients will take advantage of preventive care under Obamacare; and an Ohio woman whose 23-year-old daughter has cancer requiring highly expensive drug treatments that are covered by her parents’ health plan because of Obamacare. “That’s what this law means to millions of Americans,” Obama said.
If any of those people were with Obama on stage, the president didn’t say.
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