GOP candidate slams NRSC for criticizing Mark Pryor's Bible ad

NRSC Communications Director Brad Dayspring, known across Washington for his aggressive style, wrote a blog post about some of Pyror’s past comments about the Bible, including a statement last year that it “is really not a rule book for political issues.”


“So is the Bible Mark Pryor’s compass, providing the ‘comfort and guidance to do what’s best for Arkansas?’ Or is it really not a good rule book for political issues and decisions made in the Senate? Guess it depends on which Mark Pryor that you ask,” Dayspring wrote.

Predictably, Pryor’s campaign objected. More interestingly, so too did Cotton’s campaign team.

“That is an incredibly bizarre and offensive email from the NRSC’s press secretary,” Cotton spokesman David Ray said in an email. “We should all agree that America is better off when all our public officials in both parties have the humility to seek guidance from God.”

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