"Frankly, it's all but over for the poor in this city"

Inside City Hall, at a packed hearing of the Board of Supervisors, landlord Andrew Long blamed the evictions on the city’s rent-control policies.

“This has caused rents for long-term tenants to be quite low, which is great for them, but it doesn’t keep a building up,” Long said…


But the hearing was dominated by scores of long-time residents who talked about their fears of getting pushed out of San Francisco.

Beverly Upton, director of the San Francisco Domestic Violence Consortium, is facing eviction from a building where she has lived for 25 years…

“The struggle to keep people who make between $60,000 and $150,000 a year is what we’re facing in San Francisco. That’s who the struggle is for today,” Agnos says. “Frankly, it’s all but over for the poor in this city.”

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