What those numbers make plain is that for the overwhelming majority of the Republican House majority voting in favor of any sort of broad (or even narrow) scale immigration reform proposal isn’t good politics. At best, reforming immigration is not a top-of-the-mind priority for constituents in most of these districts. At worst, there is opposition to adopting changes that many people believe amounts to amnesty for the 11 million undocumented workers in the U.S..
Obama said Monday that he has told Boehner not to “let a minority of folks block something that the country desperately needs.” Of course, as these numbers make clear, it’s not a minority but a strong majority of House Republicans who lack any real political incentive to make changes to the immigration laws on the books.
Yes, but, what about the good of the party some will ask. It is unquestionably true that if future Republican presidential nominees cannot win more — a LOT more — than the 27 percent of the Hispanic vote that Mitt Romney took in the 2012 election, it will become increasingly difficult for the party to win a national majority.
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