When Barack Obama, floundering in the endless humiliation from the disastrous rollout of Obamacare, gave the country’s insurance companies the “put option” to reject the one-year “cancellation” extension fix stemming from the whole “if you like your plan, you can keep it, period” fiasco, he committed a cardinal sin – he lost control of the situation, because from that point onward the decision was no longer in his court. Furthermore, due to the syndicate nature of insurance companies and state insurance commissioners implementing Obamacare, suddenly the decision was subject to game theoretical facets including cooperation and defection, or rather just defection since at this point the biggest spoils would go to whoever had the initial leverage or rather, defiance of the president. Sure enough, California just flopped on Obama’s most recent flip when the state, moments ago, rejected Obama’s proposed fix to allow legacy plans to survive for one additional year.
White House's ObamaCare "fix" in shambles as California rejects extension for canceled plans
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