Jeb Bush: Immigration reform will pass the House next year

Bush, who was discussing his book, Immigration Wars: Forging an American Solution, said that in general, he thinks immigration reform should be part of an economic strategy.


“I think a lot of people view immigration as, by supporting immigrants, you’re taking away from me. And I would argue the opposite is the case,” he said. “If we have this narrow perspective of ‘We’re not going to grow anymore and the pie is set and that’s it, so I’m going to fight for mine,’ we’re doomed. That’s it. Our country doesn’t work well in a static kind of environment. Our country works well when it’s dynamic and aspirational.” He added that immigrants “aren’t a drain on that, they’re actually a catalytic converter for sustained economic growth.”

Bush’s wide-ranging discussion with Fordham law professor Thane Rosenbaum also touched on education reform, today’s political climate and the future of the Republican Party, among other topics. Bush, who has been mentioned as a potential 2016 presidential candidate recently, said the time is not right for him to make a decision on whether to make a bid for the White House.

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