It won’t take a person in a white lab coat to uncover Christie’s failings, however. They’re easy to spot. Here are just a few of his economic record’s lowlights, which his opponents are sure to broadcast:
Unemployment: New Jersey’s unemployment rate is 8.5 percent, considerably higher than the national rate of 7.3 percent, making the state 41st in the nation.
Job creation: New Jersey ranks 44th in job growth during Christie’s governorship.
Credit rating: Three major credit agencies have cut the state’s credit rating since Christie became governor, making it costlier to borrow money.
Economic growth: In 2011, New Jersey was just one of seven U.S. states whose economy shrank. The state ranked 47th in terms of GDP growth.
Taxes: New Jersey is tied for 50th in the Tax Foundation’s annual report, which ranks which states have the most business-friendly (translation: lowest) taxes. Plus, the tax burden grew by 18.6 percent for the average family under Christie.
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