“We’re not against legalization of marijuana, we just don’t want to be vilified in the process,” said one alcohol industry representative who didn’t want to be quoted harshing his colleagues mellow. “We don’t want alcohol to be thrown under the bus, and we’re going to fight to defend our industry when we are demonized.”
The marijuana industry has had a good couple of years: a recent poll found that 58 percent of the country thinks the product should be legal, recreational use has been legalized in two states already, and this past election saw the city of Portland, Maine, legalize 2.5 ounces of pot. Ahead of the vote in Portland—which received 70 percent support—the Marijuana Policy Project put up signs around the city with messages like “I prefer marijuana over alcohol because it doesn’t make me rowdy or reckless,” and “I prefer marijuana over alcohol because it’s less harmful to my body.”
Alcohol lobbyists believe it’s a “red herring” to compare the two. “We believe it’s misleading to compare marijuana to beer,” said Chris Thorne of the Beer Institute. “Beer is distinctly different both as a product and an industry.”
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