Did the poor polling in Virginia cost Cuccinelli the election?

“Public polling is essentially a suppression tool used to demoralize our voters and dry up money, especially the latter,” Chris LaCivita told POLITICO…

These numbers persuaded the RGA to not pour much beyond the $8-plus million investment already made, still $3 million more than the committee spent on the 2009 governor’s race.


“Could it have been tightening in the final week? Sure, but that also sounds a lot like a convenient out,” one Republican emailed. “I don’t have answers yet, but the real question is whether or not we (most pollsters) were interviewing samples that were truly representative of the voters who actually turned out.”

Another Republican involved in the race noted that most of McAuliffe’s supporters in the polls said they were voting more against Cuccinelli than for the Democrat, and that they always expected many of these voters would not show up on Election Day.

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