Checklist: Almost nothing about ObamaCare's federal exchange system works

-Even with just a trickle of individuals making it all the way through the process, insurers are not getting correct enrollment information from the exchanges. As a result, many are reviewing applications manually. If larger numbers of applications ever make it through the system, that won’t be sustainable. And there may be longer term problems as well: If enrollment data is transmitted incorrectly, people could eventually find out they didn’t enroll in the plan they selected, or didn’t actually enroll at all.


-The small business exchanges aren’t fully up and running either. Enrollment in those exchanges, already delayed once, was delayed again, the administration announced this week.

-The federal exchanges were supposed to seamlessly interface with multiple state Medicaid programs, but that functionality, originally delayed until November 1, was also further delayed last week. And at this point, federal officials won’t say when they expect that functionality will be complete.

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