Rasmussen poll: McAuliffe jumps to 17-point lead over Cuccinelli

In the poll, likely voters preferred McAuliffe over Cuccinelli 50 percent to 33 percent. Third party candidate Robert Sarvis receives 8 percent support. McAuliffe’s lead is his largest to date.


It follows another poll released Tuesday showing the former Democratic Party chairman leading Cuccinelli among early voters. Democratic-leaning Public Policy Polling said that McAuliffe leads Cuccinelli 57 percent to 39 percent in their survey of early voters. The poll also found that Sarvis is receiving just 3 percent of the vote, though Cuccinelli doesn’t seem to be benefiting…

McAuliffe has also held his own and more on key issues that typically favor Republicans, said Rasmussen. For example, Virginia voters trust McAuliffe more than Cuccinelli to control government spending, taxes and social issues like abortion.

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