Are Democrats more extreme than the GOP?

While our world transforms itself through revolutions in energy, technology and communication, the ideologists of the left stagnate. Barack Obama’s Democratic Party is intellectually exhausted. Their old Democratic Party has nothing up its sleeves but more of the same.


How our young President could only offer such dated ideas will be studied for decades. For now, we can mark candidate Obama’s transformation from agent of hope and change to defender of liberal calcification as one of the great sleight-of-hand tricks in political history.

With any luck, he will be the last President who tried to teach our dinosauric public sector to dance to the music of a new and adaptive era. Others, beyond Obama, will not expand but instead transform what we now pretend “governs” us. As for his legacy, today’s tweeters and texters will remember Barack Obama as the last President of the Industrial Age and once he is gone, there will be no cover for his party’s intellectual barrenness.

Obama will leave a Democratic Party epitomized by ancient ideas, radically positioned left of our political center. The political trouble Barack Obama inherited from George W. Bush is nothing compared to what Obama has teed up for a future contender such as Hillary Clinton.

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