"[W]e’re not going to be happy, but most of the tea party people, we fought the good fight"

Adam Brandon, executive vice president of FreedomWorks, said the Senate talks were one of the main topics of conversation at a meeting of the group’s activists in Atlanta this weekend.


“The grassroots are tired of these little technical tweaks. They want to start over,” said Brandon. He said any deal that doesn’t include, at a minimum, a delay of the individual mandate will have a hard time passing the House, because “the House guys are feeling the pressure.”…

“I would take progress, knowing that we can fix some of the problems,” said Sal Russo, co-founder and chief strategist of the Tea Party Express. “I mean, we’re not going to be happy, but most of the tea party people, we fought the good fight.”…

“We think overturning Obamacare is a long-term, grind-it-out effort, and we’re committed to doing that,” said Tim Phillips, president of Americans for Prosperity. When comedians like Jon Stewart are mocking the “incompetence” of the Obamacare website, Phillips said, “you’ve got a problem, and it’s been overshadowed. Let’s get back to shining a light on that.”

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