"There is no one leader, other than our official leadership that we have"

Pressed on whether Cruz, a senator from Texas, could be considered a de facto leader of the GOP–as Family Research Council President Tony Perkins told CNN last week– Paul said that’s a title no one can claim quite yet.


“I think that (Cruz has) done a good job drawing attention to Obamacare…For that I think he’s done a great service in bringing attention to something that’s really going to be bad for a lot of Americans,” Paul said Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union.”…

“We all have a little bit of ego, so I think most of us kind of think, ‘Oh, we’re one of the leaders.’ … But I don’t think any of us are ready to say, ‘Oh, my fellow senator, he’s my leader and I’d follow him off the edge of the cliff.’ There is no one leader, other than our official leadership that we have,” he told CNN chief political correspondent Candy Crowley.

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