Study: We lose about five days to slow-loading computers every year

We’ve all heard the old joke about a man who has a near-death experience and looks back on his life, only to discover, “man, I sure slept an awful lot.” Frankly, the joke never really made sense to me, because sleeping is an amazing way to pass the time. And it’s certainly better than sitting around and waiting for your computer to load stuff, which wastes an average of five days every year for most people, according to a new study.


The study, conducted by SanDisk (yep, the same company that probably manufactured your flash drive), surveyed more than 8,000 people in the United Kingdom, finding they lost more than 130 hours each year to waiting for their computers to load. It could be worse, though: in Italy, the average time-loss was seven days. Here in the United States, we only lose 4.9 days a year. Only.

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