GOP fear: Shutdown thwarted exposure of ObamaCare flaws

“I think we can fight the problems with ObamaCare in a more intelligent way than we have, and actually get some success out of it,” Rep. Charles Boustany (R-La.), another leadership ally, told reporters. “But we are where we are.”


Not surprisingly, the conservatives who drove the train on the defund strategy don’t see it that way. Rep. John Fleming (R-La.) said Friday that the “terrible” rollout would turn people off of ObamaCare in a way that no GOP-passed law could.

And Rep. Mark Meadows (R-N.C.), who spearheaded an August letter seeking a defunding of the healthcare law, said he hadn’t heard of any concerns from other Republicans.

“The failures of the rollout speak for themselves,” Meadows said. “Ultimately, ObamaCare and the failure of the rollout will continue to dominate.” The White House and Congress have, by many accounts, made strides toward a fiscal deal, even as Democrats and Republicans still have more than a few obstacles to overcome.

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