Hannity: It's time to replace Boehner as Speaker

Hannity began by lashing out at Republicans he said were “alienating the tea party,” which included Arizona Sen. John McCain and Tennessee Sen. Bob Corker. He also said it was his opinion that this government shutdown would not benefit the Republicans or Democrats in one way or another in the upcoming 2014 midterm election.


He put forth the idea of a third party, but then said one of the solutions to the GOP’s woes would be to replace John Boehner as Speaker of the House.

“Is it time for a third party?” Hannity said. “Maybe, maybe — if the Republicans don’t become revitalized. I do think leadership in the House needs to change. I don’t think John Boehner is equipped for the job. I don’t think he has the stomach to negotiate. I don’t think he has the ability to communicate a positive, solution-oriented vision for the country.”

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