Free advice for the GOP: It's about ObamaCare, stupid

Change the dynamic. Instead of going after Obama’s strength, the process, go after his weakness, the so-called “Affordable Care Act”.

If you do that for a few weeks, you still may have to surrender but at least you’ll take a chunk of flesh from Obama’s ass in the process. It will refocus the fight and standing up for the American people against something they don’t like should help their poll numbers (if you care about that sort of thing).


People think time is against the GOP but it might just be against the Democrats if the Republicans can start to turn the focus. Make the Democrats play defense for awhile. Give Obama the chance to overplay his hand.

Right now the Democrats have the upper hand because they understand that the GOP doesn’t want this fight. If the GOP embraces it and makes it clear to the Democrats that the fight is about ObamaCare and not how to end the shutdown, the GOP might be able to get something out of this.

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