Immigration reform: 17 million new voting-age citizens by 2036?

“Based on projections published by the Congressional Budget Office, we estimate that if [the Gang of Eight bill] were to become law it will add more than 17 million new potential voting-age citizens by 2036,” writes scholar Steven Camarota of the Center for Immigration Studies, which opposes the Gang of Eight reform. “These potential voters are in addition to the nearly 15 million that the current level of legal immigration will add by 2036. Combined, current immigration plus the effects of [the Gang of Eight bill] would add more than 32 million potential new voting-age citizens by 2036.”


If anyone needs a reminder of how significant that would be, Camarota notes that “the last four presidential elections were decided by 4.5 million votes on average.” Adding 17 million new voters — on top of the 15 million who will come through existing legal immigration channels — is a big, big deal.

It’s a good deal for Democrats, since a wide range of research has shown immigrants and their offspring largely favor the party’s approach to governance.

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