U.S. delays Miranda rights for captured al Qaeda operative

The Al Qaeda terrorist suspect known as Abu Anas al Liby has the right to remain silent under U.S. law, but none of his American interrogators have told him that yet, U.S. officials say.


The 49-year-old Libyan was grabbed by U.S. special forces Saturday outside his home in Tripoli, and faces federal charges stemming from the 1998 bombings of two U.S. embassies in East Africa. He is being questioned aboard the San Antonio, an amphibious dock transport, in the Mediterranean Sea.

Under an arrangement developed by the Obama administration, he is being grilled for a short period by the High Value Detainee Interrogation Group, a special task force made up of personnel from the Pentagon, the FBI, the CIA and other agencies. Their job is to pump Al Liby — an alias meaning “the Libyan” — for what he knows about terrorist networks, including his suspected contacts with Al Qaeda chief Ayman Zawahiri.

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