Three endgames for Boehner

Interviews with tea party-aligned House members and other hard-line conservatives reveal a modest if unmistakable rise in support for Boehner — a politician they have previously disdained and tried unsuccessfully to evict from power…


The interviews reveal unanimity on one point: Boehner’s speakership now hinges on whether he can somehow emerge from the showdowns over funding the government and raising the debt limit with some victory in hand and without a capitulation to Obama and Hill Democrats…

Boehner’s performance “is much better than it was,” added Rep. Tim Huelskamp (R-Kan.). “He’s identified our key principles that goes back to what we agreed on in” a January Republican retreat.

“Right now, he could be elected,” said a top House Republican, speaking on the condition of anonymity. “Two weeks ago, no. And talk to me when this is all over, I may have something new for you.”

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