ObamaCare's troubles are only beginning

For example: Just because someone has completed the online enrollment process doesn’t mean that they’ve actually gotten coverage. Reports indicate that many of the applications that are making it through the system don’t actually have enough data for insurers to process the enrollee. Here’s Bloomberg News:


“[Insurance companies] are receiving electronic files that can’t open or have so much missing information on new enrollees they’re unusable, [industry] consultants said.

Some insurers have been forced to fix entries by hand, said Bob Laszewski, an insurance-industry consultant based in Arlington, Virginia.

“If we don’t see substantial improvement by the end of this week, then I would throw up the yellow flag,” said Dan Schuyler, a consultant advising states and insurers on the exchanges. “If we don’t see it in the next two to three weeks, it’s time for red flags. The concern is some people could get to Jan. 1, and not have coverage.””

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