Why is Paul Ryan so quiet on the shutdown showdown?

“He doesn’t want to be part of this,” said Rep. Sander Levin, the ranking Democrat on the Ways and Means Committee. “He doesn’t know where he fits in. With the tea-party guys? No, he doesn’t want to be associated with them.”


Conor Sweeney, a spokesman for Ryan, says, “Chairman Ryan continues to work with his colleagues to forge a budget agreement.” His office declined an interview request.

Aides to other top House Republicans say Ryan is, in fact, busy in closed-door meetings, working to craft the House Republicans’ strategy and legislation on the debt ceiling. …

“Part of the low visibility might have to do with where he wants to go next: president, speaker, chairman of Ways and Means,” says G. William Hoagland, a former GOP Senate Budget Committee staffer who is a senior vice president at the Bipartisan Policy Center. “Each future position seems to recommend that it’s best to lay low and work behind the scenes, be a workhorse, not a show horse right now.”

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