"One hundred people submit their application, one of them goes all the way through the processing"

Experts said that if Healthcare.gov’s success rate doesn’t improve within the next month or so, federal officials could face a situation in January in which relatively large numbers of people believe they have coverage starting that month, but whose enrollment applications are have not been processed.


“It could be public relations nightmare,” said Nijhawan. Insurers have told his company that just “1 in 100” enrollment applicants being sent from the federal marketplace have provided sufficient, verified information.

One insurer reported a better, but still stunningly low, rate of enrollment applications containing enough data to process for coverage.

“It’s about half of what we’ve received,” a source at that insurer said.

“We’re getting incomplete data—about half of the applications we haven’t been able to process,” said the source, who used the term “corrupted” to describe the batch of applications received.

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