Jon Stewart is quickly becoming a one-trick pony

So where is this critique coming from? I once wrote that there’s Bill O’Reilly and Jon Stewart in one stratosphere—in terms of a consistent ability to deliver at a high level—and then there’s everyone else. The numbers back that up. But since Stewart’s return in early September, which wasn’t exactly big news after John Oliver perfectly illustrated that The Daily Show is more about its writers than its host, the show is now simply going through the motions. …


But what always separated The Daily Show from anything else on television is a willingness to take everyone and anyone to task. To serve as an equal-opportunity offender. To not pick a side. Conservatives reading this are about to (if they haven’t already) go to the comments section to scream that the program has always been a one-way trip down Liberal Lane. And while it’s hard to argue that the show isn’t left-leaning, The Daily Show used to always call out, say, MSNBC, when warranted. No network was safe, thereby making it unpredictable Must-See-TV.

But since Stewart’s return, the show has been singing the same tune night after night. Does Fox or CNN somewhat deserve some of what it’s been getting every night? Of course…being on the air with fresh content 18-19 hours a day is going to lead to controversial and/or stupid statements, oftentimes not ones based in logic (and when the ability to twist or shorten a sound bite to fit a narrative is there for comedic effect, all the better). But if you’re telling me that MSNBC hasn’t had its own share of unintentional comedy recently, you’re either a blind ideolog or haven’t been paying attention.


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