Pressure mounts to fix health insurance exchanges

The bumpy debut has the hallmarks of a technology project that may have rushed to meet the Oct. 1 deadline, said Bill Curtis, chief scientist at CAST, a software quality analysis firm, and director of the Consortium for IT Software Quality, which develops standards.


“When you are in a rush, you typically make a lot of mistakes and you don’t have time to test them all out,” he said.

High volume can also expose software flaws that were not detected in testing, Curtis said, like the recurring problem consumers encountered trying to set up accounts on the federal site. Drop-down menus that were supposed to provide security questions did not work.

The department issued survival tips for aggravated consumers after 4.7 million unique visitors logged in to the website on Tuesday. As new health insurance markets went live around the country, the federal call center also received 190,000 calls.

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